Our blog will feature our Healthy Lifestyle article on Ang Peryodiko Newspaper: Rehab and Exercise Tips. This will also be a guide to our Rehab and Therapy clients.
11/6/2019 0 Comments Simple tips to relieve knee painWritten by: Melanie Talastas-Soriano BA-Kin, CAT(C) Athletic Therapist Knee pain is usually described as a condition for older adults due to their age. But we know that is not true. Knee pain can be experienced by people in all ages especially if you practice active lifestyle. Did you know that there are knee conditions for adolescents called growing pain? Yes, there are many conditions like osgood schlatter syndrome, patella femoral pain syndrome, patellar tendonitis to name a few. The names sound worse than it is. Do not let the medical terms scare you. Although, the pain will depend on the severity of the condition. If you have sons and daughters that are particularly very active in their sports, then I’m sure you have heard of these terms or have come across pain in the knee that eventually went away. When you are older what is the first thing that comes to mind when you have knee pain? If you say “arthritis” then you are correct! But general knee pain does not particularly mean that you have arthritis. You may have an injury that keeps coming and going. There is one other explanation if arthritis has not been confirmed. You could be suffering from a musculoskeletal pain that is acute on chronic. Acute on chronic means, you have knee pain that persist for months but every time you do specific movements, the pain increases just like when you hurt it initially. The structures that could have been affected in your knee joint causing pain are tendons around the knee, cartilage in the knee, ligaments in and around the knee, muscles around the knee, joint capsule and perhaps the bones. Be sure to consult your doctor and ask what the findings are especially if you had imaging done (x-ray, MRI etc.) Another health care professionals you should go to are the musculoskeletal specialist like Athletic Therapist. They will assess your knee and confirm what your knee pain might be. Visit our musculoskeletal specialists as the services are mostly covered under your health insurance. Do not skip this visit if you want to be sure what do to help alleviate your knee pain. In the meantime, here are simple tips to help with your knee pain. Passive treatments:
2. Simple stretches to loosen the muscles above and behind the knee. 3. Daily exercise: WALKING helps with lower body joints and a simple and inexpensive cardiovascular workout. But winter is coming, I know. All you must do is dress warm and bundle up. Also, another option is to walk in the mall. Our malls are open for walkers early mornings: Garden City, Polo Park, St. Vital, Portage Place and Kildonan Place.
I hope you take the initiative to know more about your knee pain. Confirm what it is so that you know which steps to take to help decrease the pain and live a happier and active lifestyle. We are more than happy to assist you so call us to book your appointment today!
AuthorTeam Insahyu: Certified Athletic Therapists. CategoriesAll Anatomy Arms Athletic Tape Athletic Therapy Back Pain Conditions Elbows Exercises Healthy Lifestyle Hips Knees Orthotics Pregnancy Rehab Tips Running Shoulders Stretching Tips Treatments Winter Wrists |
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