Our blog will feature our Healthy Lifestyle article on Ang Peryodiko Newspaper: Rehab and Exercise Tips. This will also be a guide to our Rehab and Therapy clients.
Disclaimer: Please be aware that information in this article is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding an injury or medical condition.
1/2/2020 0 Comments 5 Tips to Welcome the New YearWritten by: Melanie Talastas-Soriano BA-Kin, CAT(C) Athletic Therapist Happy New Year!!!!!! We look back and reflect on things we accomplished in 2019 and almost always we look forward to the positive and better new year. We celebrate and motivate ourselves to be the best we can for ourselves and our families in the coming new year. Here are FIVE TIPS for you to get your new year started ONE: Goal setting
Set goals that are realistic and achievable for you or your family. Think of it as a compass. Without it, you won’t know which direction to go. Having goals and being clear on where you want to be is a simple and good way to start your new year right! TWO: Journaling If you haven’t done it yet, journaling is a good way to reflect or debrief with your day-to-day tasks whether at home or work. With journaling, sky is the limit. You can express your thoughts regarding your achievements and to recognize what is needed for improvement. THREE: Reading Whether you like to read for leisure, work, business or get good advice from books, reading can be a good break from your daily routine. One thing I learned recently is to read what applies to you only. I find that helpful and reduce stress on how much I must read. No need to read the whole entire book. Another option is audio books. Try what suits you best. FOUR: Play Do something you enjoy. Play your favorite sport with your friends, join a gym to workout, go for a walk with your partner, play with your kids etc. Find something that allows your body to move. Moving improves your mood because it releases hormones called endorphins (also known as feel good hormones). FIVE. Taking a break This is the one and the most important tip that I can give you. It is very important to spend time alone, quiet to think, to reflect and get new ideas and get motivated. I believe this is the one that people tend to forget. Be sure to schedule “me” time so you can return to work or your family refreshed and new. I hope that you can get something out of this article and apply it to your daily regimen. On behalf of Team Insahyu and our families, we wish you a happy and prosperous new year! Subscribe to E-newsletter.
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