Our blog will feature our Healthy Lifestyle article on Ang Peryodiko Newspaper: Rehab and Exercise Tips. This will also be a guide to our Rehab and Therapy clients.
Disclaimer: Please be aware that information in this article is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding an injury or medical condition.
4/17/2019 0 Comments Pes anserine bursitisWritten by: Melanie Talastas-Soriano BA-Kin, CAT(C), ISSA-CPT
Athletic Therapist, Personal Trainer Getting a note from your doctor regarding your injury that he/she observed often writes an unfamiliar name. These names or terms are used to communicate with other medical professionals like, Athletic Therapist, surgeons, family doctors that uses human anatomy (parts of the body) language. Names like, lateral epicondylitis, IT band friction syndrome, retro-calcaneal bursitis or pes anserine bursitis to name a few derived from Greek or Latin words that was created for medical terms. In this article we will breakdown the name pes anserine bursitis. We will find out where it is located in the body and what to do to help treat this injury/condition. Let’s start with the word bursitis. The root word is “bursa” which is a sac of fluid that is found in many joints in the body that allows smooth motion between the muscle tendons and bone. Its main function is to reduce friction with all joint movements. The suffix or ending “itis” means inflammation. In this case, bursitis means inflammation of the bursa. Now, what is pes anserine? We know that bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa but where is it in the body? Pes Anserine is found below the knee joint (anterior medial aspect of the knee or proximal tibia) and formed by three tendons (Sartorius muscle (crosses the hip and knee joint), Gracilis muscle (one of the groin muscle) and Semitendinosus muscle (one of the hamstring muscle). These three tendons are lined up beside each other sartorius superiorly, gracilis middle, semitendinosus inferiorly. The pes anserine bursa is located underneath these three tendons (pes anserinus – conjoined tendons). WHAT CAUSES PES ANSERINE BURSITIS?
Once you have tried these home treatments and need to rehab your knee further, you can book an appointment with an Athletic Therapist. Expect to be educated about your injury and have preventative exercises. Athletic Therapist will also use electrical modalities necessary with soft tissue release techniques to help decrease your knee pain. Other rehab techniques can be done like the application of kinesio tape that have been proven by many elite athletes and everyday working people that assists in daily body movements. If you have any knee pain, please book your appointments today at Insahyu Training + Therapy. We are accepting new clients! To read other helpful exercise and rehab tips, please visit our website on our blog section. Subscribe to E-newsletter.
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